Board of Directors & Committees

Board of Directors:

The Association has a Board of Directors consisting of not more than five and not less than three members of the Association.

Election of Directors:

Notice of the annual meeting for the election of Directors usually will be mailed to the members at least thirty (30) days (but in any event not less than 14 nor more than 60 days) prior to the date set for the meeting which is normally held in March. The Notice may contain a biography (which must be on the single side of an 8.5-by-11-inch page) of each member who has nominated himself or herself. A member may also nominate himself or herself at the annual meeting. Members may vote by mailed-in ballots, by proxy, or in person. A quorum of the annual meeting consists of 46 or more members who voted by any one of the above methods. The winning candidates are those who receive the highest number of votes, which does not have to be a majority of members voting.

If you have an interest in serving, please get involved now! Why wait? Come to the next board meeting and volunteer!


The officers consist of a President, one or more Vice Presidents, a Treasurer, one or more Assistant Treasurers, a Secretary and one or more Assistant Secretaries, all of whom serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors. The President must be a Director, but the other officers need not be Directors.

President: Howard C. Berman
Vice President: Ron Warnecke
Vice President: Ryland Dodge
Secretary: Gail Saunders
Treasurer: Maria Davis

Directors are elected at the annual meeting of the members which is normally held in March.
Directors serve two-year terms which are staggered as follows:
Terms ending 2025 – Davis, Warnecke
Terms ending 2026 – Berman, Dodge, Saunders

Architectural Control Committee

Chair: Pat Miclean
Barb Dillon
Steve Herndon
Rebecca Dodge
Rosemary Gensler

Communications Committee

Chair: Rebecca Dodge

Fines Committee

Chair: David Carpenter
Franklin Wilks
Richard Linn

Landscaping Committee


Contact Us

Donna Lucas, Property Manager – 561-686-7818, Ext.206

Erica Lay, Administrative Assistant – 561-686-7818, Ext. 214.
Hours: Monday – Friday 9 AM – 5 PM
Mailing address:
Miami Management, Inc., 11770 US Highway One, Suite 501E,
Palm Beach Gardens, FL, 33408

For emergencies after hours and on weekends and holidays, please call 561-686-7818 and follow the prompts to reach an emergency-service operator.